Reasonably good, if not perfect, vision is indispensable to success in every facet of one’s life. Unfortunately, there is a significantly large number of people who suffer from one form of vision problem or another. Vision therapy is prescribed because certain vision problems cannot be completely resolved by the use of contact lenses or glasses […]
Author: Dr. Lori Mowbray

There are several signs that can reveal whether or not your child may need vision therapy. Of course, this will depend on the specific nature and severity of the vision problem/s that your child may have. However, while some conspicuous symptoms of poor or impaired vision in your child will be easy to recognize, there […]

Not too long ago, medical experts ruled out any link between vision-related problems and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – ADHD. However, extensive research over the years has revealed that there is indeed a close and oftentimes overlapping link between the two. In fact, recent studies indicate a 3-fold increase in the incidence of Convergence Insufficiency […]
How to stop bedwetting without drugs

One of the things that I often hear after we work with the Spinal Galant primitive reflex in a vision therapy program is that the bedwetting that had been plaguing the child for many years had suddenly disappeared. Parents were of course thrilled with the results of their vision therapy programs as well as the […]