Vision Therapy Visual Learning

Holiday Gift (EYE)deas

Looking for that last minute stocking stuffer? The Vision Therapy Blog pooled our resources again this year for favorite games and activities that will help develop basic skills for: visual processing, fine-motor, eye-hand coordination and much more. Enjoy! Share!   The Vision Therapy Blog’s Top 10: 10. Rainbow Loom 9.  Qbitz 8. Blokus 7. Rush […]

Vision Therapy

Vision Therapy Success Stories

Vision Therapy patients and their parents share their success stories in this video montage.  They talk about frustrations with school, reading, migraines, double vision and more. After discovering that the root issue holding them back was visual they did a vision therapy program and their lives have been changed for the better.   [vsw id=”2jiqJhYXJR4″ […]

Vision Therapy

Vision Therapy Success Story from a Mother’s Perspective

Gabby just completed her vision therapy program in the past week.  She has more confidence now heading into the fifth grade at her school.  Here’s what her mom had to say about Gabby’s significant improvements: “Gabby has gained so many different skills and has improved in so many ways over this past year of going […]

Vision Therapy

“I’m Bored” Solutions that Benefit Vision!

The summer is winding down quickly and maybe your kids or even you are getting bored. We have come up with a list of ideas to keep you active. Our eyes have the most opportunity for teaming when we are outside. Below are several lists of activities that are fun and encourage the visual system to […]

Success Stories Vision Therapy

Celebrate Freedom from Frustration

July celebrations start with Independence Day—“the 4th of July”.   It is a day to celebrate freedom, the birth of American independence, with festivities including parades, picnics and fireworks.    Freedom can be defined in many ways but a common statement is made by many students who have completed a vision therapy program.  They feel a […]

Success Stories Videos Vision Therapy

Meet Jo: A Vision Therapy Success Story

Jo has been such a fun, energetic and delightful patient to work with. She came into her 1st Vision Therapy appointment frustrated with school, reading, migraines, eye strain, blurriness and overall poor visual system. A few months into her program she suffered a concussion.  Now, at her halfway point of her program she shares with […]

Vision Therapy

What is Vision?

“I know my child is smart but something is holding her back. We have tried everything to help her.  She still doesn’t like to read, homework is a battle, and she works harder than everyone else. I never thought it could be a visual issue because she has always passed her school screenings and has […]